It’s darkest before the dawn

Here it is – monday and I only have one chapter for you, but what a chapter!

Masaki vs. Yuu. Chapter 48 (trigger on irc !Holy48).
Probably something that we all looked forward to, atleast I know I did. Tension has built to maximum, right place, perfect timing – savour this chapter and expect someone to be Going Ballistic in upcoming ones.

(I heard the next Holyland release will be a batch)

6 Thoughts to “It’s darkest before the dawn”

  1. Mierten

    Thanks for the chapters. 🙂 This is an example of a manga that I read not because it is my favorite manga but because it is good regardless of the genre. BTW, the TownL and Oishii links on the side point to dead sites. Thought you would want to know.

  2. dark mage

    Thanks alot for the chapter. I was waitng to find out what happens between Yuu and Masaki. Now I can thanks to you guys. Keep up the good work

  3. mike

    Thx for the great work.

  4. abc

    Thank you so much This is a great chapter!!!

  5. GGpX

    @Mierten. Yeah, we know the links are dead but… As always, we're rather lazy to fix/update the site. Maybe soon we'll do a major overhaul and make it look more modern. …Hopefully.

  6. Justme

    🙂 thanks for holyland ch.48!

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