
Still as uninspired as ever. Yaaay.

So, today we have a Shonan Jun’ai Gumi chapter for you all. Chapter 76 (!SJG76) available via IRC.

Still looking for cleaners.

Had a few more applications recently. Many thanks to everyone of you who took the time to apply.

Have a good one.

9 Thoughts to “SJG76”

  1. Zenquibo

    gaaaaawd~ why SJG!? Noone reads that shit >_<

  2. antifon

    I agree. Kick Nit's butt and release some Heureka!

  3. Ascetic

    I, for one, am extremely grateful that you decided to continue with this series. Keep up the great work 😀

  4. nyaahha

    Thanks for Shonan Jun'ai Gumi 🙂

  5. LSV

    Thank you so much for continuing with this manga! I truly appreciate your hard work. 🙂

  6. kitty-chan

    thanks!!!!! ^^ <3

  7. 90bitch0

    thanks sweetheart. xoxo

  8. Eric

    keep up the good work because of you me and 5 friends have something worth reading between the boring naruto & bleach chapters :crying:

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