!Saru22 in the channel. Stick around and talk, we’re bored.
I have multiple chapters stuck at these stages because we don’t have a single proofreader or QCer that’s active.
Not a single one. Seriously. I have to ask people from other groups to help us out.
I have a volume and a half of Saru Lock that needs to be proofread, 30 or so chapters of Riki-Oh, some Holyland, some misc. chapters here and there.
I have 5 chapters stuck in the QC process because, well, we don’t have a QCer?
Want to help out? Eithetr apply on the forums or PM me (GGpX) on IRC.
If you don’t really feel like helping out, then, well, enjoy the wait.
Hmm im not sure what all you need help with but ill help just tell me what and how to do it and ill help im pretty active.
ill help just tell me what and how to do it and ill help im pretty active.
I'll lend a hand, I don't have actual experience doing something like this but tell me and I'll give it a shot
read up to chapter 30 of this seies and it is great. I'd be more than happy to proofread for you
Ill help i want to start learning these things