Kenichi3… Part Deux.

So today’s our “New Year’s Release” kinda. I had nothing planned, but we finished up HSDK 94. So, uh, yeah.

In today’s chapter, we have:

-New, Old Character.
-Kenichi getting caught fapping.
-The regular girl catching the new girl with Kenichi doing “this and that” (Which is up to interpretation) in a typical Shounen-clichéd way.
A note: On the last page, Miu says “Ho ho ho!  A cat who howls is after all a cat (unknown meaning)!!”. Don’t think, “So you guys don’t understand the meaning of what she said?” because that’s false. She really says “(unknown meaning)”. So… Live with it.

Next chapter is a swimsuit chapter with new enemies.




7 Thoughts to “Kenichi3… Part Deux.”

  1. kakar

    Thanks alot for releasing another kenichi capter 🙂

  2. blamp

    indeed, tnx alot for this fast release

  3. blamp

    the direct download for chapter is broken. The archive is only 800kb. 🙁

  4. larrylaffer

    thx for the release, however the file is corrupted, plz reupload again

  5. wumaster

    Thanks again for finishing off another Kenichi chapter!!!

  6. DeusGear

    Direct DN will be fixed when everyone wakes up, sorry for the delay guys. In the mean time you can use Mirc to download the release.

  7. Guybrush

    haha sorry for the error. the file is actually ok – just the displayed size was wrong… again sorry 😉 as usual ill try to upload the files for DDl as quick as possible after the release! Guybrush

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