Kizu 86

Good morning, Spring is finally here and I’m so happy. So happy that I’m working 16 hour shifts on Sundays that keep me locked up inside! Kizu 86 (!Kizu86) – Kizu would be parent of the year because, well, some people just deserve a good smack. See you next week!

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Blue World 4

The Blue World 4 (!BW04) — I guess I have to make a news post. Another Jurassic park chapter. Also, I recently watched how continents will drift in +50 million years — Australia smashes into China and Africa crushes Italy and Greece… BY GOD, oh well I’m sure a meteor will wipe us all out before it happens. Moral of the story, go visit Tuscany while you can.

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Blue World 3

Good morning, Been a while since we’ve had two releases in a row, we’ve just been busy. The Blue World 3 (!BW03) – It’s dyno-mite! as that one American announcer once said, at least I think it was an announcer. Whatever. I’m writing words to fill the space because I have to get back to work. See you soon.

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Kizu 83

Good morning, Spring is ahead of us, with Easter a few days away. Did you know some people at my work don’t want to call it Easter, because some people celebrate Easter. Motherfucker, it’s literally called the Easter Holiday. Oh well. Kizu 83 (!Kizu83) – And so comes to a conclusion volume 11. 11 down, 4 to go. Shoutout to zeraki, illiteracy & Nitouryu for their help since we started on the series, along with Hokuto no Gun for their support on the series. Can’t wait to wrap the series…

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Kizu 82

Good morning, Spring is upon us, and yet it still feels pretty cold these days. Oh well, at least the snow’s almost completely melted. Kizu 82 (!Kizu82) – I think this is what the spineless cretins on Twitter meant when they keep saying toxic masculinity over and over. Regardless, here’s this week’s chapter. Thanks as usual to Hokuto no Gun for their help. Back to work I go.

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Kizu 81

Good morning, I stayed up last night and saw that Twitter, the armpit of the internet, was ablaze, because Will Smith chose violence. I dunno, I figured someone who trained to play Mohammed Ali would know how to punch and not open-hand slap. Kizu 81 (!Kizu81) – Now, as we transition to the new arc, we’re going down an interesting path. You’ll see. Gotta go!

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Kizu 80

Good morning, I’m one week into my foot hurting and I’m finally going to the clinic tomorrow to get it checked out. Can’t wait for my newest diagnosis of Nothingswrongatosis! (If some of you get the reference, we might be friends) Kizu 80 (!Kizu80) – Speaking of people who don’t really take good care of themselves and let things linger, hey it’s Jinsei! Thanks as always to Hokuto no Gun for their help on the series. See you next week!

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