Good morning, Short on time as usual, but I hope you all had good Holidays. Kizu 69 (!Kizu69) – Send the cavalry, I say!à Thanks as usual to the fine people at Hokuto no Gun for their help on the series. Go say hi.
Read MoreOpium 29
Hello, and welcome to 2022. The amount of corny, overplayed jokes I feel like making are endless. So, I’ll refrain. Opium 29 (!Opium29) – This will be our last non-Kizu release for a few weeks, we’re all kind of busy these next few weeks. Plus, this is the month of the year where I scan the bulk of the volumes I have laying around. 95% of it will never get scanlated, I already know, but hey, a guy can still dream, can’t he? For example, I scanned something in 2012…
Read MoreOpium 28
Good morning, Happy New Years Eve. I hope you’re all going to have a wonderful 2022. I also hope life starts going back to normality as opposed to a new wave of lockdowns we’re getting here. But alas… Opium 28 (!Opium28) – And so conludes one arc, to start the transition into another. Something that you’ll often hear me refer to as, The Rusky Arc! Enjoy.
Read MoreBetter late than never – A mini Christmas release
Good morning, We’re a tiiiiiny bit late, but hey. Things came up. Kizu 68 (!Kizu68) – The beginning of v10 and some drama unfolds. (Btw, how’d they end up on the roof?) Opium 27 (!Opium27) – Speaking of a new volume, we’re almost done the current arc before getting into something that you might hear me say with joy soon. I can’t say it yet because spoilers & stuff, but it’s the type of content that’s right up my alley. By the way, we’ll be starting on Blue World soon,…
Read MoreBlue Hole 23 (End)
Good morning, Blue Hole 23 (!BH23) – Another one bites the dust. It’s always a good day when we can finish another Hoshino Yukinobu series. A big thank you as usual to Hokuto no Gun for helping out on the series. We’ve already started working on the sequel, Blue World. Next release won’t be next week, but probably the week after (or the week after that). We shall see. By the way, if any of you know any good translator that want to work on some hard sci-fi from Hoshino,…
Read MoreKizu 67 (End of v09)
Good morning, Short of time as usual, I hope you’re all ready for Christmas. Kizu 67 (!Kizu67) – This concludes volume 9, with 6 more to go. Pretty incredible how fast this volume went by. See you on Thursday for the Blue Hole finale.
Read MoreBlue Hole 22
Good morning sir! I keep staying up until 5-6AM, but I’m fully in control, if I wanted I could go to bed before midnight, I just choose to not to do so. I have absolute self-control, this is not an unhealthy habit!! Blue Hole 22 (!BH22) – One more to go (and then Blue World)
Read MoreKizu 66
Good morning, Sorry for the delay, but some things had to get done. We’ll be back on Monday starting next week. Kizu 66 (!Kizu66) – “Don’t do anything rash, Jinsei!” as Jinsei proceeds to do something rash. Thanks again to Hokuto no Gun for their help on the series. See you tomorrow.
Read MoreBlue Hole 21
I have to admit, I haven’t even read this series, only checked the raw and script a long time ago before starting work on it, many such cases. I have no idea why I do that. Blue Hole 21 (!BH21) – Two more to go (besides sequel)
Read MoreKizu 65
This is the worst possible Monday. Devoid of “Good morning”. Kizu 65 (!Kizu65)
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