I was forced to do this.

NitouryuToday at 10:47 AM

got news post?

GGpXToday at 10:47 AM

you make a news post I guess o_o

NitouryuToday at 10:48 AM

Kimi had a qc fix

GGpXToday at 10:48 AM

Oh, right, you didn’t fix that yet 😀
I guess while you fix that, I’ll start a news post.

NitouryuToday at 10:53 AM

good boy, hate news posts

The absolute level of disrespect, I swear.

…Oh, you’re here. Hi.

It’s the annual Christmas release. What a better way to celebrate Christmas than being stuck inside, not being allowed to have anyone over and to have it rain like crazy with not an ounce of snow. Am I describing Montreal or Seattle? At this point, I’m not too sure.

Today we have 18 chapters. Some shit we’ve been working on for a long time, some other stuff that kinda got done in less than 24 hours.

Dokuro 2002 (!Dokuro02) – A big thank you to our new translator for this chapter. We received a few more scripts from him, so if all goes well, we should be finishing up the volume in the next little bit.

Gampuku (!Gampuku) – This is a little bit different for us. This is Akira Hiramono’s artbook. I had originally bought this from amazon.co.jp because it was listed at 1 yen + shipping (something like 300 yen), so I figured let’s give it a shot. I bought it and, as expected, his art is great. But it was 80% Prison School near-nudes. I was hoping for more Me & The Devil Blues, but oh well. I end up scanning it anyway, because I bought it for that. I mentioned it on our chat and one of the editors decided to look at it because it was in all-color. A week later, the whole thing’s cleaned. Wait, what? This was in April 2019. Why did it take so long to release? Well, we needed some translations for the little amount of text in the book. I found someone a month ago, and here we are. This is also released at 3,000px.

Kimi 24 (!Kimi24) – Another chapter in our poor little world of simpletons with excessively simple names. I’m waiting with impatience for the author to get back to work on the series.

Koukou Tekken-den Tough v28 (!Tough28) – As usual, this is a fucking pain in the ass every time. So much so that I had to end up helping out with the redraws. If you notice some shitty redraws, yeah that’s me. Big thank you to Nitouryu & korvas for their help on this.

Nnekon (!Nnekon) – Another oneshot by the author of Splash!, this was from the same magazine. Around the same time that we had started doing this, we saw a book with a collection of oneshots from the author. So I bought that and if we can manage to find another translator, we’d like to do the 8 remaining oneshots in there. Message us.

Sasori 43 (!Sasori43) – A chapter dedicated to Diego Maradona and his “hand of god”, obviously.

Space Adventure Cobra 22 (!SAC22) – Now that’s what Christmas should look like. Snowy, windy, filled with people around each other there for a common cause but that don’t actually like each other all that much. That sounds rather crude, doesn’t it?

A big thank you to Nitouryu, korvas, tim3, Ko-chan, momi, illiteracy, dh85, Modiglianis for all your help. January’s the month I basically just scan as much of my shit as possible, so we’ll get busy again in February possibly.

There were a few things we weren’t able to manage to finish in time, so maybe we’ll have something for next week. Until then, enjoy yourselves.

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